Jan 072014

I decided it was time to upgrade the radio in my truck. The truck had the stock CD/Cassette/Radio head unit but what I really wanted was the ability to jack in an MP3 player. It turns out it is a lot easier to install a radio these days than it was 20 years ago. I ended up getting a Pioneer DEH-X66BT. I have mixed feelings about it’s feature set but I’ll run with it and see what time brings. Here are a set of videos describing the install.

Radio Install YouTube Playlist

Out with the old head unit.


Here is the new head unit, a Pioneer DEH-X66BT, bluetooth, MP3, full iPod control, AUX input.


Here is the new radio installed. The radio is a single DIN going into a double DIN hole so I’ll need to make a mounting block and fix up the trim.


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