Oct 132012

The blinky pov uses a neat little trick to program new words and symbols into the blinky pov to display.

Two light emitting diodes are mounted on the blinky pov and used in a fashion that causes them to act as light receptors rather than the traditional LED use as light emitters.

Sensing Leds Sensing Leds

Programming my blinky pov is not working, it’s as simple as that. There are a variety of reasons why programming might not work, from hardware issues to software issues. Either the data is not getting to the programmer or the programmer is not interpreting or programming properly.

The first place to look is the output of the sensor. Is the sensor generating Highs and Lows, 1s and 0s. Hooking an oscilloscope to the SCLK and SDAT lines generated the captures below.

First I hooked up SCLK and tried to program from my desktop monitor. It is a Samsung SyncMaster P2770. It supposedly has a 1ms response time and 70,000:1 contrast. The hookup and traces look like this…

Each burst of activity on the scope is a SINGLE clock pulse. One flash of white from the blinky pov web programming application.

Looking at the various scope traces it is clear the incoming data is neither a 1 nor a 0. This group of traces is from my main desktop monitor running Google Chrome at the Blinky POV programming website.

scope hookup desktop

The traces above are from Google Chrome. Somewhere in the random postings on the blinky pov forums was an assertion that different web browsers will display the white and black squares differently and thereby affect blinky pov programming performance.

The following traces are from the same monitor, at the same height, in the same lighting conditions, at the same distance from the monitor. These captures are from running Mozilla Firefox.

The trace above is with Firefox and the room lights on. It was also recommended to turn the room lights off. The trace below is the exact same setup as above with the room lights turned off.

So far what I’m taking away from the various recommendations to try different browsers and lighting is that it is a smokescreen. I’m not seeing a difference in traces when trying to program from the same monitor.

Switching back to Google Chrome and pointing at my second desktop monitor, a Samsung SyncMaster P2350 produced the following traces.

Using Firefox and hooking the scope to the data line (SDAT) produced these traces.

Next I tried my netbook. It is an Acer Inspire One. The scope hookup was the same, the browser was Google Chrome pointed to the W&L Blinky POV programming website. This time I do see a difference. The light to dark transition from the netbook is much stronger and also has a much higher frequency carrier.

Switching to Firefox on the netbook produced similar results as on the desktop, that is, no real change.

Switching to a smart phone produced an interesting difference and probably explains why we had any success at all when using a smart phone to program the blinky pov.

Jun 072012

Like apparently so many others we can’t get our blinky_pov to program. Perusing the BlinkyPov forums shows we are far from the only ones having problems programming the blinky pov.

I’m not thrilled with the technical feedback from Wayne and Layne either. Try turning off the lights, try turning on the lights, try using a different web browser, try using a different device, try turning the contrast up, try turning it down, and then the final pat answer, contact tecnical support through a private email. Hmm, I wonder how many of the frustrated blinky pov owners ever get the programming to work. We tried all of the advice, it turned out using the browser on a smart phone did actually work once or twice. None of the laptops, netbooks, multiple LCD monitors at home or work ever worked to program the blinky pov. Something aint right. Of course the icing on the cake is the final final pat answer from W&L, We have thousands of successful and happy blinky pov owners who are not having any problems. I wonder if that is true or if the majority of blinky pov owners just give up in frustration.

Now, with all that said, I am not giving up. The blinky pov is a cool little device and if it can be made to work it’ll be a neat little trick. Fortunately W&L have released the blinky pov as an open source project…. time to start digging.

Blinky Pov Design

Blinky Pov Source Files

Jun 072012

Wayne and Layne have put up a nice series of photos and instructions on building the BlinkyPOV, ala LadyAda over at Adafruit. Following these instructions and using a reasonable soldering iron (not a hot pointy death stick like I learned on), my 14 year old assembled the BlinkyPOV in about a half hour, maybe a little longer with some Q & A. We took the assembled BlinkyPOV, added batteries, and bada-bing, symbols and words flashing through the air. It was pretty cool. We high fived and buttoned up for the night with a win.

BlinkyPov Through Hole Build Instructions

May 172012

I was online the other day poking around, buying some parts for my latest project and stumbled across a persistence of vision (POV) toy / project that had a neat twist, the ability to upload and program new messages into the device non contact by pointing it at a web page. This implied new messages could be loaded from anywhere you could hit a web page, from school, the library, or via a smartphone from pretty much anywhere. And the neat part, for my intended audience, was no wires or special software required. How cool is that!!

This differs significantly from other POV projects / toys that go as far as require you to download a complete compiler and upload tool suite, modify the code running on the POV toy to generate new image patterns, and then upload the code into the toy by reflashing the entire program and data space. WOW, that’s a pretty high bar for a newbie or a youngling.

Since my audience was a 14 yo just getting into electronics and programming finding a project that was easy to build and even easier to use was great news. Out came the wallet and a BlinkyPOV was soon heading my way.

Not to spoil the end of the story but unfortunately we will discover that the promise and reality don’t always align.

In the meantime follow the links below for a laundry list of POV definitions, explanations, and projects.

The toy itself – Wayne & Layne BlinkyPov Blue

The non contact programming page – Wayne & Layne BlinkyPov Programmer

How it works (or doesn’t work) – Wayne & Layne BlinkyPov Design

The source code (gotta love open source projects) – Wayne & Layne BlinkyPov Code

ch00ftech links – good stuff here



A bunch of Hack A Day POV links – the always delightful array of weird and interesting tech happenings














