Feb 282014

Progress is being made on the hardware. The motors are mounted, the EggBot controller board is mounted, new spools are printed and installed.

Here is the overall mounting scheme so far


I ended up printing these small spools from thingiverse.


I used a screw specifically made for screwing into plastic. It has deep coarse threads that bite well into the soft ABS plastic. We’ll see if it holds long term but it seems to have a good grip right now.

The EggBot board has an issue where the upper and lower copper planes are one power and one ground. The problem is the mounting holes do not have copper pull backs so if you put a metal screw or stand off through the mounting holes the power plane and ground planes are shorted together. So that’s no good. Mounting the EggBot board requires using non conducting mounting hardware. I decided to print a mounting platform and hold downs.

I printed reliefs in the mounting platform for the pins that protrude from the bottom of the EggBot board. The four pins in the corners go through the EggBot board mounting holes to align the board and keep it in place when held down.






I’ve done some simple tests communicating with the EggBot board and moving the motors, making sure everything is still in working order and nothing got crimped or crushed.

Next steps are to string the gondola and get some code working.

  2 Responses to “DrawbotOne – mounting the parts”

  1. Would you share your STL file of the mounting board for EiBotBoard?
    Maybe on dropbox, or Thingiverse or somewhere?

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