Here is the original blog post over at
I’ve been wanting to upgrade my router table and over time I’ve been accumulating the pieces. I’m building my table around the Incra LS 17 Router Fence and a Woodpecker PRL Router Lift
I ended up ordering the 27 x 43 Woodpecker table top already drilled with a cutout for the LS 17 and the PRL.
I haven’t picked a router yet but I’m leaning toward one of the big PCs.
I’m basing my design loosely on Blake’s Router Table.
My table top is not as wide as Blake’s so the drawers wont be as deep. I figure I’ll plug it into my big dust collector so I can use the space under the table router for storage.
I’m leaning toward typical face frame on a plywood carcass, dados, rabbets, and biscuits. I’ll probably half lap the face frame, at least that’s how I’ve got it drawn up so far.
Here are some early concepts with layout lines where I’m thinking I want drawers.
The white box in the upper left compartment is a keep out volume for the router. There wont be a box there that is just roughly the space needed for the router.
Here’s the Sketchup model at this stage.
Transparent view of internal construction
Internal Construction